Online Live Starting Strength Coaching Session
Learn the Primary Barbell Lifts Safely and Efficiently with a Certified Starting Strength Coach, Without Leaving Your Own Gym!
Are you ready to take your strength training to the next level? Welcome to our Online Live Coaching Sessions according to the Starting Strength method, designed to teach and coach you how to perform the primary barbell lifts correctly, safely, and efficiently, without needing to waste time and energy driving for hours or days to get to a certified coach, or even worse – having to settle for a less than competent coach because that’s what’s available near you.
How It Works:
- We schedule a session at a time that suits you. You’ll need access to a gym, where you’ll secure a squat rack and a barbell. Here’s how you’ll set up:
- Mount your phone on a tripod facing the squat rack at a 45-degree angle (it’s inexpensive and essential if you’re serious about improving your form under the bar).
- Use a Bluetooth earpiece. This allows you to hear your coach while he’s teaching you the movements and while you’re performing the lifts.
It Works. Guaranteed.
Learning how to perform the barbell lifts correctly through the online platform definitely works. It’s not a “typical” fitness workout but more like a lesson, where you follow precise instructions and coaching cues to align with the Starting Strength Model.
We’ve done it countless times with lifters from all around the world, and it works. It’s nearly as effective as in-person coaching, saving you a tremendous amount of time and hassle before and after the session. Moreover, a competent Starting Strength Coach, especially one experienced in the virtual sphere, can efficiently deliver teaching and coaching through the virtual platform.
You will learn the movements of the lifts in a way that you’ve never experienced before, with an unparalleled level of depth, analysis of biomechanics, and attention to every detail to ensure that you move correctly and safely under the gradually heavier barbell.
What You Need for the Session:
- A tripod for your phone (preferably one that reaches a height of 3 feet, but not mandatory).
- A fully charged Bluetooth earpiece.
- Access to a gym with a squat rack and barbells, either your home gym or one nearby. You’ll need to secure a squat rack and a barbell for our session (usually a 20kg/45lbs Olympic barbell, but sometimes a lighter barbell will be necessary, depending on your initial strength levels).
A Note for the Shy and Self-Conscious (Not you, perhaps a friend of yours):
While some people prefer scheduling their coaching sessions during less crowded hours, it’s important to note that we’ve conducted sessions during peak hours, and everything went smoothly. We understand that it can be intimidating to contemplate a coaching session in a potentially crowded commercial gym, especially when you imagine setting up a tripod ‘in the middle of the floor’ and potentially taking up space that others might need. But here’s the reassuring truth: in this modern age, where many gym-goers spend as much time taking pictures in front of the mirror as they do working out, setting up a tripod for instructional purposes is far from uncommon.
Most gym members won’t even notice that you’re on a live call. As much as we sometimes worry that all eyes are on us, the reality is that people at the gym are focused on their own programs and goals. They’re minding their own business, and so should you.
If the prospect of an online coaching session can significantly benefit your strength, your prevention of injueries and your overall progress – and we firmly believe it can – don’t let momentary discomfort hold you back. So, to summarize this side note – Embrace the opportunity for growth, and soon, you’ll find your confidence and progress soaring 😉
Ready to Transform Your Strength Training Journey by training CORRECTLY and SAFELY?
Here are the options to get started:
- A two-hour Intro Session: Ensure correct form in the four primary barbell lifts.
- A package of single one-hour sessions: Master the form of lifts under continuous coaching, with a package of 5-20 one-hour sessions, typically scheduled for twice a week, then usually transitioned to once a week or a video-breakdown Online Coaching Membership.
Our typical session hours are between 6 am and 11:30 am Eastern Time, but we can make special arrangements to accommodate different schedule needs.
Whether you’re eager to learn more about our Online Live Starting Strength Coaching Session or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or WhatsApp:
Get in touch today, and let us show you how safe and enjoyable it is to get stronger when done correctly!
Zohar Yermiyahu
Certified Starting Strength Coach
& Founder of Be Stronger
© Copyright Be Stronger 2023